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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0793c72.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  219KB  |  419x525  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: hakham | monitor | plant | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: Take the Plunge $1.000 ogir by socking awtay cash tor emergencies INE manet fund aind ther put your cash ta workin stock tane bond funds. Given today s low mioney market Hields and risky securities marketar experts say these 17 funds rightTor the job. distinguished solid retums comparatively Tow risk and modeal Ainta Mar]. 1993 Minimug ave SUBIS Telaphon inrestuent mectio Unitod Sort Gov.Sac ST.00O 873-8637 Strong Money Market 1.000 368. 1030 1000 621-1048 Shert-Term 1.000 225-2470 Columbiy FiKet ne 1000 54781707 Babaon Bondi 500 122-2766 funds USAAMUL Stoct 1.000 382-8722 Fidelir EManbger 500' 644-8888 SOGEN Intemationa 1000 105 334-2143 422-3654 Mrinstai Talue 500 12 522.4202 Solactod 1001 279.0279 Piunge 51000 agin away emerencios manel Cundp yara tand todar vields Hisk securitie those ...